Tuesday, November 9, 2010

ARCH 653 Project 1

Project Building

Gallary Building


Parametric Modeling Description

Topic of parametric modeling

1)     PVs which trace the sun path  (changing PVs’ declination)
2)      PVs’ supports which change the length according to the PVs’ facing direction

Input parameters for the parametric modeling

There are two input parameters:
1)      Location of building: Latitude, and longitude (Location of the building)
For example, for College Station, “30.628”, and “96.334” need to be put for latitude and longitude respectively.
2)      Local time: Month, Day, Time, and Minute (Time for PVs’ facing direction)
For example, “7”, “20”, “13”, and “30”  need to be put for Month, Day, Time, and Minute respectively to calculate the PVs’ facing direction which will be shown by the model.

 Diagram for the parametric modeling

1.      Diagram for PVs (PV Elevation)



Formulas used for the parametric modeling


Formulas for PVs

[Step0] Inputs four parameters
  1. Latitude
  2. Longitude
  3. Month/Day
  4. Hour/Minute
[Step1] Calculate “Local time” to “Solar time”
  1. Calculate “ ith Day”:
N= if(Month = 1, Day, if(Month = 2, Day + 31, if(Month = 3, Day + 59, if(Month = 4, Day + 90, if(Month = 5, Day + 120, if(Month = 6, Day + 151, if(Month = 7, Day + 181, if(Month = 8, Day + 212, if(Month = 9, Day + 243, if(Month = 10, Day + 273, if(Month = 11, Day + 304, Day + 334)))))))))))
  1. Calculate “B” (and 2B):
B= (ith Day - 1) * 360 / 365
  1. Calculate “E”:
E= 229.2° * (0.000075 + 0.001868 * cos(B) - 0.032077 * sin(B) - 0.014615 * cos(2B) - 0.04089 * sin(2B))
  1. Calculate “Declination” (δ):
Declination= 23.45° * sin(360° * (284 + ith Day) / 365)
  1. Calculate “Solar Time” (Solar Time Hour, an Solar Time Minute)
Solar Time Hour= Hour
Solar Time Minute= Minute + (4 * (90 - Longitude No) + E No + Hour)
Solar Time= (Solar Time Hour) + (Solar Time Minute * 0.01)
[Step2] Calculate “PV Elevation”
  1. Calculate “Hour Angle” (ω):
Hour Angle = (Solar Time - 12) * 15°
  1. Calculate “PV Elevation”:
PV Elevation= 90° - (asin((cos(Latitude) * cos(Declination) * cos(Hour Angle)) + (sin(Latitude) * sin(Declination))))

Formulas for PVs’ supporters

[Step1] Calculate “Supporter Height”
1.      Calculate “Supporter Height”
Supporter Height=10’*tan(PV Elevation)


Screenshots of the parametric modeling

Figure 4 Screenshot 1 (July 20 10:30 at College Station)